Video Production for Speeches

Usually at events , we are tasked with producing a highlights video of the day. This normally is 2-3 minutes in duration. Increasingly though, we are asked to film the speeches in their entirety. There are generally two usages for the recording of speeches. A speech, especially a keynote speech, can be a great asset for after the event to share with those who attended and those who didn’t. But what other value can found in recording the speech?

Transcribing Video to Produce an SEO Blog

Using professional transcribers we have delivered transcription services of speeches to several clients. This service is a fantastic additional asset (and often a hidden asset) for companies who are organising video production of their event. Transcribing the video and using that content as a blog is a great way of letting people search through the speech but it’s also a great SEO tool that can drive people to your website and create an array of back-up links from people and organisations referencing the speech.

If you would like to enquire about video recording for your next event, get in touch now!